Thank you for taking care of yourself by taking this test!
Here are your results and recommendations
on how to better manage anxiety and negative thoughts
Your Anxiety Level is Moderate. What does it mean?
You feel a lot of tension and want to get rid of it, but you can't effectively rest and recharge your energy. Restlessness spoils your sleep and brings a state of chronic fatigue and bad moods.
Lack of energy and irritability affects your relationships with family and friends.

We understand these results can be worrying. We can connect you with CBT practices right now to help alleviate your symptoms.

Also, we highly recommend meeting with a psychotherapist as soon as possible to gain a clinical perspective.

You are already finding it difficult to solve problems or learn effectively as you used before your anxiety worsened.
It's a life-changing journey!
✔ Restore the ability to rest pleasantly
✔ Return to the most powerful you
✔ Look at your troubling thoughts from the outside
✔ Reduce irritability
✔ 15 min a day only
What Will Help You Stay Mentally Healthy?
Join 2-Week Anxiety Reduction Challenge
Play relaxing music and give yourself a moment of pleasure :)
What You Can Do Now to Manage Anxiety and Feel Better
We recommend you doing this three CBT practices with proven efficiency every day to help manage stress anxiety.
Start counting down from 100 in 3s: 100...97...94...91...
At the same time, find a good rhythm and clap your hands as you count.

While your mind gets busy with counting and clapping, anxiety recedes. Your attention switches to the task at hand.
Did journaling help you with your thoughts? If so, try our FREE Anxiety Journal Template to practice it more effectively at any time.
3. Take 5 Minutes to Journal to Help Manage Disturbing Thoughts
Anxiety Journal exercises help you deal with anxiety by changing
the way you think about your anxious thoughts.

Write down the answers to the following 3 questions:

1. What situation caused your anxiety?

2. What's the thought that's bothering you right now? For example, "I'm going to fail my test" or "I'm not good enough."

3. Come up with a more positive, realistic alternative thought. For example, "I'm going to do my best on the test."

Refer to this new realistic thought when you're feeling anxious about it.
1. Count Down to Distract You From Negative Thoughts
2. Do a 10-minute Grounding Practice to Feel Calm and Connected to Your Body
Find a cozy space, take your shoes off, and leisurely walk around barefoot.

Walk consciously. Intently feel the sensations in your feet.Use your hands to touch surfaces around. Realize their forms and textures.

Stay focused and find pleasant sensations in this process. Averting your attention to your surroundings helps to manage anxiety and stress.
It's a life-changing journey!
✔ 50 mindfulness practices to return to peaceful you
✔ 3 anti-anxiety journals to manage disturbing thoughts
✔ 24/7 mentor support to reduce irritability and tension
✔ 14 inspiring gifts to restore the ability to rest pleasantly
Stop Worrying and Start Living with
2-Week Anxiety Reduction Challenge
What Is Anxiety?
Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress and uncertainty. It's a feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come. Everyone goes through this emotional turmoil, and it's completely normal. But, we need to be aware of the difference between productive problem-solving and wheel-spinning worry.

Common symptoms of unhealthy anxiety include:

- Feeling nervous, tense, or fearful
- Difficulty concentrating
- Sleep problems
Increased anxiety often interferes with your ability to focus at work, attend social functions, eat and sleep, and emotionally connect with family and friends.
If your feelings of anxiety are extreme, last several months, and are interfering with your life, you may develop an anxiety disorder. That's why it's important to identify rising levels of anxiety in time and deal with them.
How to Manage It?
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a highly effective tool to cope with high levels of anxiety and treat anxiety disorders.

The focus of CBT treatment is on finding practical solutions to manage your:
• Thoughts

CBT techniques for anxiety help you cope with wheel-spinning worry symptoms and develop healthy habits to better manage stress and negative emotions.
We are here to make it work for you!
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