Got it! Let's follow this plan according to your state
Play relaxing music and give yourself a moment of pleasure :)
2. Continue with Making Your Coping Cards
1. Start with Grounding Practice to Feel Calm and Connected to Your Body
Find a cozy space, take your shoes off, and leisurely walk around barefoot.

Walk consciously. Intently feel the sensations in your feet.Use your hands to touch surfaces around. Realize their forms and textures.

Stay focused and find pleasant sensations in this process. Averting your attention to your surroundings helps to manage anxiety and stress.
3. And Finish with Safe Place Meditation to Go on a Pleasant Mental Journey
Coping Cards will help you deal with anxiety by changing
the way you think about and assess different situations.

Do this practice in your Inner Peace Journal (Notion).

Choose the Coping Cards template and perform the practice as instructed.

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